Friday, January 24, 2014

A Nation Divided Over Mayonnaise

22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America - Business Insider

Does "mayonnaise" have two syllables or three? "Pa-jamma" or "Pah-jama"? And most importantly, is it "you guys" or "y'all"?

Here are heat maps showing concentrations of how people pronounce "crayon," address a group of two or more people, describe nighttime wear, eat pie with pecans in it, all courtesy of Joshua Katz of the statistics department at NC State University. And, of course, the uniquely Southern expression, "the devil is beating his wife."

For a hundred more examples, visit Katz's site, Dialect Survey Maps.

Americans can't even agree how to pronounce crayon.

This is the deepest and most obvious linguistic divide in America. It's also an example of how everyone in south Florida pronounces things in the northern U.S. style.

Some of the deepest schisms in America are over the pronunciation of the second syllable of "pajamas"

Okay, this one is crazy. Everyone pronounces "Pecan Pie" differently.

Seriously? Alabama and Mississippi that is terrible.

Seriously? Alabama and Mississippi that is terrible.

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